Before purchasing real estate, consider hiring Academy Appraisal, Inc.

It might be that an "appraisal" isn't something that you feel you want - but you certainly do need some help collecting info regarding local area and house sales information. We can produce low-cost sales and listing reports that will guide you through the maze of raw data. Our consulting services can help you come to a knowledgeable purchasing decision. Buying a home is a complex process, and we understand what you're going through.

Academy Appraisal, inc. will make the home buying process a breeze.

Buying a house is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make, we can help. Contact us today.

There are some things customers can expect when doing business with Academy Appraisal, Inc.

  • Prompt response to your initial inquiry: In return to your inquiry, Academy Appraisal, Inc. will provide you with personalized information. Just call us at (215) 957-1220 and tell us your situation and we'll make suggestions.
  • Our company guarantees punctual turnaround time: You'll get a response in less than a day (often in just a few hours) and you'll get results in under seven days.
  • You won't need to be a real estate wiz to understand your report: When it comes to appraisal and consulting, "One size does NOT fit all". Academy Appraisal, Inc. offers a huge variety of report types and delivery methods.
  • Academy Appraisal, Inc.'s staff will give you a quick response to any follow-up inquiries: You can be assured that all Academy Appraisal, Inc.'s appraisals meet or exceed PA's guidelines and the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice that govern appraisal standards on a federal level. If you have some issues about your appraisal after you've looked over the document, you certainly should contact us.